Partiality in Judgment

Reading for Today: Proverb Chapter 24

Gold Nugget
Verse 23: These things also belong to the wise: it is not good to show partiality in judgment.
I’ve heard recently an old line I’ve heard many times before. While discussing a certain manager, I heard some employees saying, “If he likes you, you can do no wrong, but if he doesn’t, you can’t do anything right". I understood where they were coming from. I’ve seen that in business and beyond for many years. Some people will come to a conclusion early on about particular people, and from then on they are either “liked” or “disliked”. The hard worker will remain unnoticed and the bad employee will seem to get all the privileges. Some people are quick to play favorites and lack wisdom in how they handle business with those they “like” or “dislike”. We should be more practical and biblical in how we deal with others. Whether we are in a management position or not, we are all in position to pass judgment on someone in one way or another. We should be as today’s “gold nugget” warns, “These things also belong to the wise: it is not good to show partiality in judgment.”

Even if we are not in a position of authority over someone, we still have a tendency to do the same thing to those that are in authority over us. Some people decide whether or not they like their boss early on and from that point forward, their boss can’t do anything that meets with their approval. We will badmouth that person to everyone and avoid giving them any credit or recognition when they do well. They did not meet our immediate approval and our judgment will be dictated without wisdom and love. Whether we “like” or “dislike” someone is not always with intelligent or Godly reason. That demonstrates how weak we are in the way we treat people. Any behavior that results in showing partiality is ungodly and calls for our immediate repentance.

Lord, help us to reflect you and be fair and just in our interactions with others. Help us to avoid showing partiality in judgment. Amen

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