Loving Knowledge

Reading for Today: Proverb Chapter 12

Gold Nugget
Verse 10: Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.

Jesus made the bold proclamation, "If you love me, you'll keep my commandments." It's a statement that concludes those who disobey God, do not love God. Now, it is fair to conclude that Jesus is talking about and overall truth. I say that because those who love God are not those who never sin, but rather those who do not continue in sin. So the overall truth of Jesus' proclamation is best understood as loving God and being obedient to God as an image of harmony and not contradiction. Loving God will absolutely include obeying Him. The same harmony is found in to day's "gold nugget", those who love knowledge will love the instruction and correction that precedes them.

Those who love knowledge, but hate instruction and correction are like those who love looking healthy without eating healthy. You have to get over your hate of eating healthy and exercising if you want to be healthy. If you want you truly love knowledge, you will embrace the instruction and correction that comes before the knowledge. As today's gold nugget says, Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid.
Lord, I don't want knowledge simply  for the sake of self elevation. I want to increase in my knowledge of who you are and how I can best serve you. Help me to accept instruction and correction as you introduce them in my life. Amen

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