The Messenger

Reading For Today: Proverb Chapter 13

Gold Nugget

Verse 17: “A wicked messenger falls into trouble, but a faithful ambassador brings health.”


After years of abusing David, King Saul died on the battlefield. Thinking it was good news to David, a messenger ran to tell him of Saul’s death. After questioning the messenger, the man told David of the details of Saul’s death and of his contributions. He didn’t fear telling David because of the abuse David suffered from Saul’s rage. David was outraged at the messenger’s nerve to touch a King of Israel and called for an immediate execution of the messenger on the spot. After that, David wept for his king whom he loved dearly. The messenger took lightly the message he was carrying and had little regard for the impact it would have on David. I have seen this scenario play out many times. You probably have too. Have you ever seen someone carry bad news to someone and get pleasure out of the pain it causes them? Pretending to be someone’s friend, a messenger may delight in bringing bad news.

Anytime we delight in bad news, we need to check ourselves spiritually .When our enemy stumbles, we may be tempted to be delighted and may even spread this “news”. Consider Proverbs 24:17-1817 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; 18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from him.”

Lord, when my enemy falls, don’t let me rejoice in their tragedy. Don’t let vengeance be an element of the person you have fashioned me to be. When other’s suffer for their sin, give me the strength to pray for their healing, both in the natural and in the spiritual. Amen

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