11: “The discretion
of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.”
weak-minded may be slow to process thoughts and therefore miss good opportunities
to be angry. How much better would we be if we had moments of mental slowness?
Often times we get angry with someone only to find out that the situation may
not have warranted our fire being kindled. On the contrary, we are usually
quick to assume that someone has offended us and react quickly. Although I can
stand to learn a great deal more, one thing God has continued to stress to me is to be slow not
just to anger, but slow also to record the wrong doing. I have much work for
God to accomplish in me, but I can tell you that it’s a lot easier to refuse holding
something against someone than it is to force yourself to forgive them. Today’s
“gold nugget” says, “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression.”
When we choose not to record a wrong doing,
there will not be a need for us to forgive them. We need to be quicker to allow
their sin to be forgiven by God. Sometimes God forgives people of sin that we
hold against them. How ridiculous is that? If we are slower to anger, we may
find that we have less people that seem to owe us an apology. Being slow to
anger and choosing to look past someone’s short coming and even sin is often
the most Christian approach to have. The balance of knowing when to confront
someone with their offence and overlooking it because of them being human comes
from the attitude within us. If we have an attitude of love, we will be more equipped
to know the difference. The next time someone asks you to forgive them, how good would it be if you responded with, "No Charge"?
you know I have failed you in this area and I ask you to forgive me. Help me to
remember that I would be in a world of hurt if people recorded all of my weak
moments. Help me to have a spirit of gentleness and mercy when it comes to
others weaknesses. Amen
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